Monday, August 2, 2010

2 week countdown to school

We've started the countdown until school today. Two weeks! I think I have everything ready to go- supplies, clothes, paperwork updated at school. Scott, thought it would be a good idea for the kids to ride the bus this year. The bus stop is only 1 mile from the house and it will be easy for Scott to drop them off in the mornings. I really enjoy taking them to the school, and picking them up, but with new baby coming mid-September I think this will be a good idea in the long run. I know they'll be days that I want to take them, b/c I don't want to miss out on seeing my friends and the kids friends. I just don't want to feel disconnected from the school. I've already been feeling this way b/c I gave up doing Celebration Books- after two years of having my fun with it- but now I'll be open to work on something else (after baby that it!).